Day in and day out, Anchal continues to address and challenge injustices in our world today. Anchal’s determination to promote social change that is long-term

3 Ways Anchal Creates Long Term Change

Economic Impact: Artisans make 25%-100% than they did prior to working with Anchal. This increase in salary has led to 70% of the Artisans becoming the primary breadwinners of the family, the purchasing of first homes, and healthcare for themselves and their families.

Educational Workshops: For 65% of artisans, Anchal is their first legal, recorded career. Anchal employs artisans, but also conducts monthly workshops to teach skills such as entrepreneurship, leadership, women’s health, self-defense, and stress management that go beyond Anchal and promote further opportunities in their lives.

Health Benefits: Through the business partnership with Vatsalya, bi-annual appointments and eye exams are offered to all Anchal artisans. In addition, this partnership also allows for counseling. Considering Anchal is rooted in providing full-time employment as an alternative to exploitive industries, such as the sex trade, this attention to physical and mental health is truly beneficial to the artisans well-being.

Though these are 3 concrete ways Anchal promotes long-term change for our artisans, there are many more. The confidence built through creative expression is immeasurable and the bonds formed in the artisan community have no bounds. Still, it’s important to note impact like this could not occur without your support. So, give yourself a pat on the back! To say it feels good to do good is an understatement.

Want to learn more? You can get involved or donate.

Anchal Project
Tagged: social impact