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Dining for Women + Anchal

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Dining for Women + Anchal

If you haven't heard, Dining for Women has chosen Anchal to be the featured program for the month of October!!

"Dining for Women is a dinner giving circle. Our chapter members 'dine in' together as a chapter once a month, each bringing a dish to share, and our "dining out" dollars (what we would have spent if we had eaten at a restaurant) are sent to programs empowering women worldwide. We then combine all donations from hundreds of our chapters to support carefully selected international programs each month."

"Today, more than 375 chapters and 13,000 people have joined DFW, making a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of women and girls living in the most extreme poverty in more than 30 countries. To date, DFW has raised over $1.9 million, one potluck at a time!"

Anchal is extremely honored to be featured in the Dining for Women program and we hope that with this exposure not only will our program grow, but more importantly our message to end commercial sex trafficking.

Anchal team members from around the country will be attending chapter meetings this month. Colleen and I will be visiting chapters in Kentucky, while Devon and Maria Molfino will meet with chapters in the San Francisco Bay Area. Even fellow blog writer Lizzy Hindman-Harvey is joining the celebration in Philadelphia.

We encourage you to look into this amazing organization and find a chapter near you!

For our followers already DFW members, we would love to hear from you. Please share your meeting experiences with us here or email us at We will be following up with an update from several DFW meetings, we would love to include you.


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